Absentia TV Series
A remarkable American crime drama TV series, “Absentia,” was created by Gaia Violo and Matt Cirulnick. This series features on September 25, 2017, on AXN Network. Oded Ruskin directed this series. The producers of this series are Oded Ruskin, Stana Katic, Matt Cirulnick, and Karen Wyscarver. The production companies of this series are Masha Productions, Media Brat Productions, and Bizu Productions.
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What is the Plot of the Absentia TV series?
The series tells the story of enforcement agency agent Emily Byrne. She disappears whereas not a trace whereas wanting one among Boston’s most shady serial killers, and they or he’s declared dead in absentia. Six years later, she is found throughout a cabin inside the woods.
What is the star cast of the Absentia TV series?
Stana Katic, Matthew Le Nevez, Patrick Heusinger, Cara Theobold, Neil Jackson, Angel Bonanni, Bruno Bichir, Paul Freeman, Ralph Ineson, Patrick McAuley, and Richard Brake are The star cast of the Absentia Series.
Who plays a leading role in the Absentia TV series?
Emily Byrne is the lead character that actress Stana Katic played.
How many Seasons in the Absentia TV series?
This Tv series has 3 Seasons.
How many episodes in the Absentia TV series?
This series has a total number of 30 episodes.
How many Episodes in each Absentia TV series?
There are ten episodes in each season of absentia.